Akashic Records Reading Package - Three 90 minute Sessions


Three 90 min. virtual sessions - Save 15% with this package

The Akashic Records exist outside of time and space in the quantum field. They contain all information about your Soul - past, present and all possible futures. This includes parallel versions of yourself expressing in other dimensions as well.

We have the ability to re-write our Akashic Records, which means we can change experiences from the past. There are many events from past lives and childhood that are profoundly impacting the way that you currently show up for yourself, in your relationships, and in the world.

In the Akashic Records, we can ask to be shown the moment where our current blocks and issues originated and heal them so that you are no longer a vibrational match to that story. You will no longer attract people, places and situations that you don’t want. You will have the power to break free from self sabotaging patterns, try new things, and create a new reality for yourself going forward.


What to expect during the session:

We’ll begin by spending a few minutes discussing what your general goal is for the session. Next, we'll go through a ritual prayer to get into a meditative state grounding our energy to the Earth, connecting to your Higher Self and setting our intention to open your Akashic Records.

Next, we will spend a couple of minutes in silence acclimating to the energy and allowing us to see, sense, feel or hear any initial messages or guidance that may want to come through for you.

In the Records, we are guided and supported by our Spirit Team, which includes our Higher Self, Ancestors, loved ones, guardian Angels, Ascended Masters, and other high vibrational beings. As we ask our questions, they will guide us to the answers that we seek. This is a safe space of high vibrational energy. The only Beings that may enter must be aligned with your highest good.

This powerful field also provides access to healing energy which can be channeled exactly where it needs to go, transforming you mentally, emotionally, physically & spiritually. In my sessions, I facilitate this in two different ways:

~ By holding space as Angels provide healing to specific Chakras in your body, clearing and extracting lower energies and offering different medicine such as crystals, fires, animals, and light.

~ By assisting you in rewriting the Records of your past, whether in past lives, or from childhood or other traumatic experiences from this life. This can even include rewriting the Records for family members, loved ones that have passed and offering healing to anyone involved in the story. Often in this process, hundreds or even thousands of Souls are affected.

This can be a very relaxing and comforting experience, and it may feel quite emotional at times. Once you have had the appropriate time (1-3 days for some) to integrate the healing, you will feel much lighter!

All information and healing that comes through is exactly what you are ready to integrate at this present time in your life.

Once you place your order, you will receive a confirmation email with instructions on how to schedule your virtual session!

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