The Divine FemiNest™ Podcast Transcript S:1 | E:3

Welcome back everyone. I'm so glad you're here. We have an exciting episode today. I'm going to be sharing with you a channeled message from Mother Mary who wanted to come through and offer this beautiful transmission for us to help remind us of how to navigate what is happening right now and give us some tips on the best ways to create the future that we want to create for ourselves. So I'm really excited to share that with you.

After I do that, I will be telling the story of how I discovered the Akashic records, how I got onto this path, doing the work that I'm doing now, and how it relates to the situations that I've talked about so far with my family and the things that we've been through. So I'm gonna kind of bring that full circle. And if you wanna pause the episode in between this transmission from Mother Mary and the story, I would recommend that and I'll remind you at the end, it's always good to kind of let that settle and integrate even if it's just for a moment before jumping into this other narrative, okay?

So let's just begin by taking a nice deep breath together. So we're gonna breathe in through the nose, pause at the top, and then make a nice big audible sound on the out -breath to just let go of whatever tension you might be holding in your body, okay? It’s always so nice to take a moment to just come into presence and we don't get enough of that during the day. I want to make sure that we're doing that here.

All right, so wherever you are, if you have the option to just sit down in a comfortable place, in a posture of receiving, so just sitting up as if you were going to be meditating, imagining this spinal column, one vertebrae stacked over the other so that you can really receive the information that wants to come in and you can place your palms face up. If you are busy, if you're driving, don't worry about any of that. Just enjoy what wants to come through here, okay? All right.

Mother Mary says:

‘It is pertinent right now that as you feel into the new energies that are surrounding the planet, that you open to new ways of being, that you melt into the fluffiness that is here for you. Just like cotton candy, it's so sweet. It's so good that it feels too good to be true, but it's here for you to experience and enjoy.

The new frequencies of bliss that we impart to you are delicious enough to give you feelings of ecstasy that you are simply not used to. So we invite you to close your eyes and imagine what it is to truly sink in to this vat of cotton candy, whichever color you choose, and taste what it is to be inside of it. This may sound ridiculous to you at this time, but if you give it the slightest chance to take hold in your consciousness, you give your mind permission to allow something new. And this is all that is required in order to set you on a new path, heading in a completely new direction.

We want you to begin to feel what you knew before you came here, where your worries were none because you saw only truth and light. Even when you could see what you perceive as suffering, you were able to observe it without it permeating your feeling state. At this time in history, you have a choice to make. Each day as you wake up and you go about your daily routine and you perform the tasks you're used to performing to make everything run smoothly, it's up to you to create a pause, a disruptor moment for yourself.

If you think of this experience as a game, imagine you're playing the game and you have to stop to use the bathroom or to get yourself a snack. It's like that. You're playing a game here, but you've forgotten that's all it is. So we're reminding you now to take a break, to step away from the screen and remember where you really are. You can do this through meditation, taking a walk in nature, making love with yourself or with another, plunging into a cold shower, whatever forces you to be fully present in the moment. Only then can you fully remember, connect with the truth of what is here.

If you feel resistance to stopping the momentum of the game, because this is what you're used to, ask yourself what is best. What do you want for those you love? To remain in the dark, running around like robots who have no power to create? Or do you want to see more and more creation taking place around you? New ideas and ways of being and fluid movement through life.

There is only one way to move forward now, and that is to disrupt the robotic way in which you make decisions and take actions. It is a new energy that requires courage and autonomy because this is why you came. You have each other and you will learn. You will begin to feel safer, to look different, to live your life in a way that others aren't familiar with because your body will recognize that this is who you are. We are here to guide you every step of the way, and we are very proud of how far you've come. This is the adventure of a lifetime.’

So just taking another deep breath here, allowing this to sink in for you. Go ahead and pause the episode if you would like to. Such a beautiful message from Mother Mary. We give thanks and we honor the wisdom, the guidance, the instructions, the compassion, and the support.

So we're gonna move into the story now. And the story starts back in 2018. I was living my life raising three kids who were, hmm, can't remember how old they were at the time, but they were like young, elementary. Like I think they were in pre -K and kindergarten at the time. And I was also married at the time to my wife. And so we were going about life the best that we could under the circumstances, which I will share about. So in 2018, I would find myself waking up in the middle of the night. This happened for like a few weeks.

And I would have this panicky feeling because it was like my face was like tingling and felt really, really strange. My throat felt like it was closing up and I just had no idea what was going on. So I would run to the bathroom, look in the mirror and it was crazy what I saw. My lips were hugely swollen. My jaw was swollen to the point where you couldn't even see my jawline anymore. It looked really funny to be honest, but at the time it was just terrifying. And I was starting to have trouble breathing. And so I ended up in the emergency room a few times over the course of a couple of weeks and they would run tests and couldn't figure out what was going on, but they would just do this quick fix, which was to give me steroids. And so I would just go back home and, eventually I got in to see an allergist who told me that I had a wheat allergy.

And so over the next couple of years, I just lived with this wheat allergy. I was carrying an EpiPen everywhere I went and my family and I adjusted to this new thing that affected all of us because it was like pretty nerve wracking, you know? And the kids were like always trying to make sure that I wasn't gonna accidentally eat wheat. It was just one of those fearful situations. So, in 2020, I took this business course and it was this purpose -driven course. So there were people in there that were healers and did different, lots of different types of businesses. I met this one woman named Daniela who said that she was a healer and that she specifically worked with people who had food allergies.

And it's like, as soon as I heard this, I was so excited because I had been, I had this feeling that I was not going to live with this for the rest of my life. And I knew that there was some miracle cure out there, but I just wasn't sure where to look. I wasn't sure who to ask. I wasn't sure where this was going to come from, but when I met her, there was just this instant connection and I was like, yes, I think you're going to be able to help me. So I was really excited. So I scheduled a session with her and it was a virtual session. So we met over zoom and it was just an hour long. And, she didn't explain a whole lot before we got started.

She did this opening prayer, which she did in Portuguese, which was her native language. And so I couldn't understand what she was saying. And then she had a pendulum and she had what looked like a bunch of charts on her desk. And actually she had this huge notebook. She had quite a few charts. And so she explained to me that my guides were telling her about some things that I was dealing with and where this wheat allergy came from. And she told me that I was afraid that someone was going to come into my house and steal my children. And I was afraid that they had a key.

So this was pretty shocking to me because she didn't know anything about me at all. She didn't know that I had been fighting for custody of my kids in family court for years and that I was actually at that moment going against our custody order and I was keeping the kids from visitation with their father because they were so fearful to go with him. So he would show up at our house, he would bring the police. And we lived in this really beautiful house at the time that we had built a couple years earlier. And it was just really interesting because it's like we had this you know, what we would consider a dream home at the time, we got to pick out everything the way that we wanted it. And yet, it was also a little bit of a prison. So it was a really interesting way of living - a very fearful way of living.

And I just had to follow my instincts. And after dealing with this for so long and not feeling like my children were being listened to or protected by anyone else, I had to make the best decision for my family that I could make. So all that to say, she finished up the session and told me that, okay, you're healed now. You no longer have this wheat allergy. And I was like, wait, what? That's it? I thought this would take like a bunch of sessions. I don't understand what just happened here. I also, I want to mention that it was a really relaxing experience. So I was shocked to hear the messages, but it was a really relaxing energy that I was experiencing. And so I know that there was obviously healing taking place there.

So afterwards, I thanked her, I went and grabbed my EpiPen, I went to the kitchen, I didn't tell anyone in my family what I was doing. I found like a bag of pretzels, I think, and it was something that has wheat, I think it was pretzels. And...I just like took a bite and I remember I had the EpiPen right there on the counter with me thinking, my gosh, I might have to stab myself in just a second. And nothing happened. And so for the rest of that day, I would just go and take teensy teensy bites. And the moral of the story is that I have not had a wheat allergy ever since that day in 2020.

And what that experience did was introduce me to the Akashic records. So I didn't really understand at the time what Daniella was working with, but what she was doing was working inside the Akashic records. And so she was rewriting things and allowing, you know, channeling healing energy. And helping me to see the lessons that were coming out of this experience. So at the moment, I'm not gonna go too much further into what came of all of the visitation and custody stuff. I'm gonna do that by sharing that in pieces.

I also have the ebook that I've written that I'm currently revising. You can still download it for free by going to my Instagram, which is @sironawestauthor. And on my link tree, you can download it. I don't have it available for download on my website because I am revising it. But if you really want to find it and you want to get it for free while it's still free, go to Instagram and download it there. It's still a really powerful story, but there are things that I want to clarify, just like the information that I just shared about how all of these things come together.

I do want to offer a free gift, which is available on my website, which is my Akashic Records High Vibe Question Guide. So you can find that at That's also a free download. It has the ritual prayer that I use, which you can also call a meditation to open the Akashic records. And it has a bunch of high vibrational questions to get you started so that once you're in your records, you'll know what's going to help you get the highest vibrational information while you're in there. Of course, you can also book a one -on -one session with me through my website.

So I hope you enjoyed hearing a little bit about how these different pieces fit together. I know that I really didn't elaborate or expand on what happens after that miraculous healing, but we will get into that. And I want you to be able to digest the things that have come through today. So I'm excited to keep sharing with you. I will be reading the book here once I've finished those revisions. To be perfectly honest, it is a very heavy emotional process to do. There's been so much that's happened since I first wrote it two years ago. So there's a lot of processing that happens as I write, which is the point, right? To transmute that energy. But yeah, I'm excited to keep sharing with you guys. I'm honored that you've taken time out of your day to listen to this.

If you want to go back and listen to the transmission from Mother Mary, it is powerful. And I think that you will get new energies and whatever it is that your body needs from the message each time you listen to it. So I'm excited to share messages from more messages from Mother Mary as well as any other Divine Feminine Ascended Masters that would like to come through in these episodes. This is a very, very exciting project for me. And again, I'm just honored that you've taken the time to listen.

The last thing that I want to say in terms of announcements is that the Divine Feminist Gathering, I'm now going to be hosting that in person. So that's very exciting. If you're in Los Angeles, where I am, we will be doing the book club and healing circle together in person. And it will probably be one Sunday per month. So no more virtual meetings. Just forget about that. It's going to be on a Sunday once a month in person. And I will provide more information about that as soon as I get it scheduled. But I'm really excited to do that. It just felt like that's the direction that we need to go.

Namasté everyone. Remember to take your deep breaths and I will see you here next time.


The Divine FemiNest™ Podcast Transcript S:1 | E:4


The Divine FemiNest™ Podcast Transcript S:1 | E:2